Studied the use of while, continue and check statements with example programs.
Using the while Statement
The while statement is a looping mechanism similar to do.Syntax for the while Statement
The following is the syntax for the while statement.while exp [ vary f1 from s-c1 next s-c2 [ vary f2 from s2-c1 next s2-c2 ... ] --- [ exit. ] --- endwhile.where:
- exp is a logical expression.
- s is a field string having the components c1 and c2.
- f1 is a variable. The components of s must be able to be converted to the data type and length of f1.
- ... represents any number of complete vary clauses.
- --- represents any number of lines of code.
An Example of the Use of the WHILE StatementOutput: ----Vendor Number ----1 report ztx1012. 2 data: l, "leading characters 3 t, "trailing characters 4 done. "done flag 5 parameters p(25) default ' Vendor Number'. 6 while done = ' ' "the expression is evaluated first 7 vary l from p+0 next p+1 "then vary assignments are performed 8 vary t from p+24 next p+23. 9 if l = ' ' and t = ' '. 10 l = t = '-'. 11 else. 12 done = 'X'. 13 endif. 14 endwhile. 15 write: / p.
- Lines 2 and 3 define two single character variables l and t. Line 3 defines a flag to indicate when processing is complete.
- Line 5 defines p as character 25 with a default value.
- On line 6, the expression on the while statement is first evaluated. It proves true the first time through the loop. The assignments on lines 7 and 8 are then performed. Line 7 assigns the first character from p to l and line 8 assigns the last character to t.
- If l and t are both blank, line 10 assigns a dash to both. If they are not, line 12 assigns an 'X' to the done flag.
- On line 14, endwhile copies the values from l and t back to p.
- The while loop repeats again from line 6 as long as the done flag is blank.
Using the continue statement
The continue statement is coded within a loop. It acts like a goto, passing control immediately to the terminating statement of the loop and beginning a new loop pass. In effect, it causes the statements below it within the loop to be ignored and a new loop pass to begin.
Syntax for the continue Statement
The following is the syntax for the continue statement.[do/while/select/loop] --- continue. --- [enddo/endwhile/endselect/endloop]where:
- --- represents any number of lines of code.
The following points apply:
- continue can only be coded within a loop.
- continue has no additions.
An Example of the Use of the CONTINUE StatementOutput:1 report ztx1013. 2 parameters p(20) default 'c::\\\xxx\\yyy'. 3 data: c, "current character 4 n. "next character 5 6 do 19 times varying c from p+0 next p+1 7 varying n from p+1 next p+2. 8 if c na ':\'. 9 continue. 10 endif. 11 if c = n. 12 write: / 'duplicate', c, 'found', 'at position', sy-index. 13 endif. 14 enddo.duplicate : found at position 2 duplicate \ found at position 4 duplicate \ found at position 5duplicate \ found at position 10Using the check statement
The check statement is coded within a loop. It can act very much like continue, passing control immediately to the terminating statement of the loop and bypassing the statements between. Unlike continue, it accepts a logical expression. If the expression is true, it does nothing. If it is false, it jumps to the end of the loop.Syntax for the check Statement
[do/while/select/loop] --- check exp. --- [enddo/endwhile/endselect/endloop]where:
- exp is a logical expression.
- --- represents any number of lines of code.
Use of the CHECK StatementOutput:1 report ztx1014. 2 parameters p(20) default 'c::\\\xxx\\yyy'. 3 data: c, "current character 4 n. "next character 5 6 do 19 times varying c from p+0 next p+1 7 varying n from p+1 next p+2. 8 check c ca ':\'. 9 if c = n. 10 write: / 'duplicate', c, 'found', 'at position', sy-index. 11 endif. 12 enddo.duplicate : found at position 2 duplicate \ found at position 4 duplicate \ found at position 5duplicate \ found at position 10