Detailed study of field strings was done today. Brief of it is given below with illustrations.
Using a Field String as a Variable of Type "char"
Not only can we address the individual components of a field string, we can also address all components at once as if they were a single variable of type char. The following example illustrates this concept.Example-1:
Using a Field String as Both Multiple Variables and as a Single Variable of Type CHAR
Output:1 report ztx0807. 2 data: begin of fs1, 3 c1 value 'A', 4 c2 value 'B', 5 c3 value 'C', 6 end of fs1. 7 8 write: / fs1-c1, fs1-c2, fs1-c3, 9 / fs1. 10 11 fs1 = 'XYZ'. 12 13 write: / fs1-c1, fs1-c2, fs1-c3, 14 / fs1.
Lines 2 through 6 define field string fs1. It has three components, each with a default value. On line 8, each component is written out individually. On line 9, the field string is written out as if it were a single variable. Consequently, the output shows the contents of fs1 as if it were a single variable defined as char 3. On line 11, the value 'XYZ' is assigned to the field string, again treating it as a char variable. The resulting output shows that the individual components reflect the change because they are accessing the same storage.
An Example of Assignment Involving Two Field Strings
Output:1 report ztx0808. 2 data: begin of fs1, 3 c1 value 'A', 4 c2 value 'B', 5 c3 value 'C', 6 end of fs1, 7 fs2 like fs1. 8 9 fs2 = fs1. 10 write: / fs2-c1, fs2-c2, fs2-c3.
Lines 2 through 6 define field string fs1. Line 7 defines field string fs2 exactly like fs1. On line 9, fs1 is moved to fs2, just as if it were a single variable of type char. On line 10, the components of fs2 are written out.
Using the TABLES Statement to Define a Field String:
A field string defined using the tables statement is a modifiable data object. Field strings defined using the tables statement follow the same rules as field strings defined using the data statement.Syntax for Defining a Field String Using the TABLES Statement
The following is the syntax for defining a field string using the tables statement.where:tables fs1.
- fs1 is the field string name. A table or structure of the same name must exist in the Data Dictionary.
Field String Defined Using the TABLES StatementExample:
Description:1 report ztx0809. 2 tables ztxlfa1. 3 4 ztxlfa1-name1 = 'Bugsy'. 5 ztxlfa1-land1 = 'US'. 6 7 write: / ztxlfa1-name1, ztxlfa1-land1.
Line 2 defines field string ztxlfa1. Its definition is exactly like the Data Dictionary table of the same name. On lines 4 and 5, values are given to two of its components, which are written out on line 7.
Field String Defined Using TABLES Interacting with SELECT:
The tables statement does more than just define a field string. It does two things:- It defines a field string.
- It gives the program access to a database table of the same name, if one exists.
1 report ztx0810. 2 tables ztxlfa1. 3 select * from ztxlfa1 into z lfa1 order by lifnr. 4 write / z lfa1-lifnr. 5 endselect.
Line 2 defines field string ztxlfa1. Its definition is exactly like the Data Dictionary table of the same name. There is also a database table of the same name, so the program is given access to that table, meaning that it can now be used in a select statement. Each time line 3 is executed, a record is read from the database table ztxlfa1 into field string ztxlfa1. For each record, the value of component ztxlfa1-lifnr is written out (line 4).