On ninth day I was taught about further details for "PARAMETERS " statement and various additions that can be used with it along with an example to implement it.
The following points also apply to the parameters statement :
- The default data type is c (character).
- The default value is 0, except for data type c, which is blank.
- The value addition accepts a literal, a sy variable, or a variable previously defined in the program.
- When using the like addition, the parameter being defined obtains its length and data type from the referenced variable. we cannot specify them on the same statement with like.
- When using the like addition, the value is not obtained from the referenced variable. we can specify the value addition to give the parameter a default value. If we do not, it is assigned a default initial value of 0 (or blank for a character data type).
- Like data, the parameters statement can appear anywhere in a program, but the definition must physically come before the statements that access it.
- Parameters appear on a selection screen in the same order that they are defined in the program.
- All parameters statements, no matter where they appear in the program, are collected together by the ABAP/4 interpreter and displayed on the selection screen at the same time. Even if we put a parameter statement in the middle of the program, that parameter will still be displayed on the selection screen before the program executes.
- The parameters are displayed in an SAP standard format. To modify their appearance, for example, to move the input field left or move the label right, the selection-screen statement is uesd.
Using the Addition: lower case
All values entered into a parameter are translated into uppercase by default. To turn off this translation, use the addition lower case. This addition only applies to character fields.
Using the Addition: as checkbox
A check box has only two states: ticked and clear. we use them when we want to present the user with an on/off or true/false type of choice. we can use more than one check box on a screen. If we have multiple check boxes on a screen, they operate completely independently from each another.
To display a parameter as a check box, use the addition as checkbox. we cannot specify a data type or length; it will default to type c and length 1. The parameter will contain a capital X if the check box is ticked; it will contain a blank if the check box is clear. If the check box should initially contain a tickmark, use a default value of capital X.
Space and capital X are the only valid values. No other values are valid for a check box.
To display a parameter as a check box, use the addition as checkbox. we cannot specify a data type or length; it will default to type c and length 1. The parameter will contain a capital X if the check box is ticked; it will contain a blank if the check box is clear. If the check box should initially contain a tickmark, use a default value of capital X.
Space and capital X are the only valid values. No other values are valid for a check box.
Using the Addition: radiobutton group g
Like check boxes, a radio button also has two states: selected and not selected. Unlike check boxes, radio buttons never operate alone, they operate only in groups. we can have any number of radio buttons in a group, but only one can be selected at a time. They are used when we need to present the user with a list of alternatives in which only one option can be chosen.To display a parameter as a radio button, use the addition radiobutton group g. we cannot specify a data type or length; it will default to type c and length 1. g is an arbitrary group name one to four characters long. we can have more than one group in a program.
The parameter will contain a capital X if the radio button is selected; it will contain a blank if it is not selected. To be initially selected, the radio button should contain a default value of capital X. No other values are valid for a radio button.
The additions to the parameters statement are described in short in the following table:
type | Same as the data statement. |
Decimals | Same as the data statement. |
Like | Same as the data statement. |
Default | Same as the value addition on the data statement. |
Obligatory | The user must enter a value into the field before the program will execute. |
lower case | Prevents values from being translated into uppercase. |
as checkbox | Displays the input field as a check box. |
Radiobutton groupg | Displays the input field as a radio button belonging to group g. |
report ztx0706.
parameters: p1(15) type c,
p2 like p1 obligatory lower case,
p3 like sy-datum default sy-datum,
cb1 as checkbox,
cb2 as checkbox,
rb1 radiobutton group g1 default 'X',
rb2 radiobutton group g1,
rb3 radiobutton group g1.
write: / 'You entered:',
/ ' p1 =', p1,
/ ' p2 =', p2,
/ ' p3 =', p3,
/ ' cb1=', cb1,
/ ' cb2=', cb2,
/ ' rb1=', rb1,
/ ' rb2=', rb2,
/ ' rb3=', rb3.
The OUTPUT generated by the above program is:
When the selection screen is shown, obligatory fields contain a question mark. These indicate to the user which fields must be filled in before continuing.